A quick guide to future proofing your delivery for teaching staff
In the coming weeks we may be asked to work remotely either as individuals or as a team. The College will communicate with us by email, social media and through the College website.
This guide provides
A guide for preparing you and your students for working remotely
Instructions for accessing Moodle and The staff Intranet (SharePoint).
Instructions should you need them around: adding a forum into your Moodle, using ZOOM for web conferencing with your students and participating in a meeting through Microsoft Teams.
Your line manager will make arrangements with you around how to stay in touch with your curriculum team.
The guide above reminds you what you need to put in place before you leave the building to stay in touch with your students and your colleagues.
Before you leave the building have you
Remembered, if you have one to take, your laptop, charger and any other devices you will need home.
Have you spent some time at home checking you can access, Moodle, The Staff Intranet, Office 365 and relevant systems.
Remember you can access The Staff Intranet and MyDay from any internet enabled device - the MyDay app is also available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store. This gives you access to Moodle, ClickView and a range of online help and support.
You can position any content you need to share with your learners on the relevant course page in Moodle. You can also contact all of the students in your class through Moodle as long as they have logged on at some point.
You should agree now how you will keep in touch with your classes.
They may as a group already be using whatsapp or other solutions to work together as a group.
You can add a discussion forum to your course in Moodle to allow you and your learners to collaborate and work together.
You can add and or introduce learners to a webinar tool that could help you run classes remotely.
Discovering forums and webinars will help you all work together in Moodle.
This guidance focuses on adding a webinar to support learning and teaching. A webinar facility can allow you and your learners to work remotely. It is quick and easy to set up. The facility can quickly be added to Moodle as ideal way to promote blended learning.
There are a number of solutions that allow you to hold webinars with your class - wherever you or they are located.
We are recommending the use of the free version of Zoom Meeting, as it is a system we can all quickly access. Follow the link below and register for a free account, if you have not done so already.
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done.
Why free version of Zoom?
It is accessible and scalable.
You can deliver to up to 100 learners in 40 minute chunks - this would be more difficult in a Skype call.
You can record your webinars.
It works across all platforms including mobile devices.
There are videos to walk you through the Zoom set up process below.
If you need more support you can access webinars directly from ZOOM who provide weekly training sessions.
What you need
You and your learners need access to a reliable internet service.
Zoom works on most devices.
As a minimum you need a microphone and speakers - these will often be built into your device.
A camera on your mobile phone, laptop, desktop, tablet or other device will allow learners to see you but is not essential.
Ideally use your college email address when you set up your free Zoom account.
When you have set up a Zoom Account test that it works.
Once you have set up your account, you can now add a link to your webinar channel to your Moodle course.
You can of course do this as the need arises.
It would be fun and practical to try and run a session through it with your class now, this would allow you and the students to get used to the system.
If you don't feel confident why not run a session with your colleagues. If you need further support the learning technology team can help you.
Remember you can contact all of your students through Moodle.
The video below is an example of how you can use Zoom and you can also add the zoom invite by adding a URL to your Moodle course.
There is a rich set of resources available on YouTube that will guide you through setting up and using Zoom to support your learners and regular online training conferences you can drop into.
Live Training Webinars - Zoom Help Center
Spend 45 minutes discovering the power of virtual teaching and learning in the Zoom classroom. We will show you the steps and best practices from two points of view: student (downloading the app then joining and participating in the class), and teacher (scheduling, joining, hosting, and in-meeting tools) before wrapping up with live Q&A.
Here is a broader guide to Webinars and Screen casting and an example of a recorded webinar.
Microsoft 365 and Email
Remember you can access your email and Microsoft 365 by using your college email address and password.
We hope this brief guide is useful and supports access to our remote systems and the adoption of Zoom.
Remember too we are not the only organisations making these sensible preparations.