All things Moodle - our primary college VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).
Find out when you should use a tool on Moodle and when you should utilize Microsoft Teams.
Separate fact from fiction, debunk common myths and misconceptions and get questions answered on our college VLE and communication platforms.
Over 40 step-by-step guides and videos contextualised for the West College Scotland Moodle.
Find out the realities of what AI is, what you should be wary of, and how you can use it to your advantage.
Click to view the CDN's Resource Bank.
Information on enhancement units - from how to access to how to implement into your class
Find out information on the Online Learning VLE Distance Learning Scotland
The staff intranet also known as SharePoint.
Evolve, Learning and Development team site and the legacy CPD Review forms.
Copyright Guidance for Lecturers at West College Scotland